We look forward to worshiping with you here at Green Valley!
Join us each Sunday for one of our 3 services:
Worship Services: 8:15 AM ~ 9:30 AM ~ 10:45 AM
Connection Groups: 9:30 AM or 10:45 AM (click here for a list of Sunday Connection Classes)
What to EXPECT when I arrive? (as a guest)
We offer a small number of ‘GUEST’ parking spots that are conveniently located directly out from the front door. After you have parked, you’ll enter through the main front entrance double doors. Here you will be greeted by several people as the door will most likely be held open for you. As you enter the main foyer, you will come to a greeter offering the weekly bulletin. We also have a gift for you at the Welcome Center Counter. Please stop by either before or after the service.
If you have children in your party, you’ll want to stop by our Children’s Ministry, “Connect Kids”, where you can check your children into an age appropriate class with other children their own age. Children’s classes meet during all 3 services. If you have older children/teens, we offer a teens class during the 9:30 & 10:45 am service. Both of these classes meet in the youth room, Rm 24, directly across the hall from the gymnasium.
If you are interested in attending one of our many different connection classes (aka: Sunday School Classes), stop by the Welcome Centere for a flyer, listing all classes and description and locations. The Welcome Center Attendants can help point you in the right direction or escort you to the classroom, if you would prefer. Connection Classes are only offered during the 9:30 & 10:45 am services.
What do GVBC Services look like?
WORSHIP – Our services begin with modern worship music led by a very talented, live band and vocal team.
Worship typically lasts 30 minutes. Since God has made every individual different, we leave the way you worship up to you. Some prefer to remain seated while others stand, kneel, clap, and lift their hands. You may even see someone do a little dance. If you would like to listen to some of our music, click here.
TEACHING – After worship, one of our pastor’s will be teaching from the Word for approximately 30 minutes.
These sermons are relevant and applicable to your daily life. They are intended to promote spiritual growth and prompt us to live Godly lives every day of the week. Previous sermons are available on our media page.

What should I wear?
God created each of us differently, so we each enjoy our own unique style. People who attend Green Valley wear anything from business suits to jeans, t-shirts and (modest)shorts. Our goal is to help you connect to God, so we want you to wear what makes you comfortable!
What about my kids?
Green Valley has an excellent and thriving Children’s Ministry & Youth Department that offers classes from nursery all the way up through the teen years. Our Children’s Ministry offers options from birth through 6th grade. Green Valley Student Ministries offer teen Connection Classes during the 9:30 and 10:45 AM worship services. Our children’s check-in counter is located down the main hallway to the left of the main foyer. (just past the coffee Corner) The youth connection classes meet in room 24.