Local Missions
Our missions ministry provides opportunities for members and attenders of Green Valley to be involved in our local community as well as globally through the IMB. A few of the local areas that you can get involved in are highlighted below. If you would like to be a part of the GVBC Missions Committee, please contact the church office for more details: 816-279-3621.
Ministries that our church and/or Connection Groups partner with throughout the year:
Pivotal Point Transitional Housing (formerly Hillcrest Transtitional Housing)
SBC Missouri Disaster Relief (as needed)
Habitat for Humanity (as needed)
Community Missions Corporation – Haven House & Juda House
Samaritan’s Purse (as needed)
Operation Christmas Child (Yearly November Shoebox Campaign)
Hands of Hope Hospice

(the Green Valley Church sponsored Pivotal Point apartment)

Pivotal Point Transitional Housing
“a hand up…not a hand out”
Pivotal Point is a transitional housing ministry providing a Christian environment that helps homeless families and youth become self-supporting, self-reliant contributors to society.
Unlike many organizations whose focus is one-time or emergency care, Pivotal Point’s primary objective is to move clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency within 90 days by addressing the total life situation of the homeless families they serve; longer term transitional housing options may be available to clients with excessive barriers to housing. Pivotal Point also provides a transitional housing program for homeless teens and young adults, ages 16-20, who have an educational goal. This unique program offers housing & supportive services for up to 24 months.
In exchange for rent/utility-free housing, adults are required by written agreement to find full-time employment, obey program guidelines and attend weekly volunteer-taught classes in life skills, employment, community living and budgeting. Through a network of community supporters & founders, Pivotal Point also may provide to clients in the transitional housing programs the following: auto repair/donation, food pantry, medical assistance, dental work, GED classes, haircuts, glasses, school clothes, work uniforms, etc.
In addition to the Pivotal Point organization, GVBC missions also stocks the pantry for each “new” resident that comes through the GVBC sponsored apartment. We also help the Pivotal Point children with backpacks and school supplies in August when they’re heading back to school.
Green Valley maintains a “transitional” apartment for selected Pivotal Point residents. To find out ways you can help or become involved with this ministry, see Koelle Barbour or email:office@gvchurch.com.
Missouri Disaster Relief – GVBC Team

SBC Missouri Disaster Relief
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief responds to disasters across the US and around the world. Reach people in need with practical help and the hope of the gospel.
Disaster Relief is something we participate in several times throughout the year. Several training sessions are offered throughout the year.
Becoming a disaster relief volunteer provides an excellent opportunity for hands on service to people in need. Training is open to any member of a Southern Baptist Church who is at least 18 years of age. Attending training does not obligate you to serve but is necessary before serving. For more information: http://mobaptist.org/dr/
or see Laurie Huffman to find out how you can get involved.

The Evangelism Ministry has several different activities you can join with us in sharing God’s love.
One of our favorite, frequent activities is RAK (Random Acts of Kindness). We send small teams around our city where we offer to perform small acts of service or offer a free token – showing God’s love to them. We would love to have you join us in this mission too! We go out to serve our community the last Wednesday of each month at 6:15 PM. See Laurie Huffman for this outreach.
If you are interested in serving with our evangelism team to reach our city for Christ, please contact Jerald Holcomb at 816-262-6307 or you may email office@gvchurch.com.
Mission Trips
Green Valley is blessed to join the body of Christ globally to carry out our Lord’s Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19,20 Each year, we try to send a team from Green Valley on a week long missions trip.
In the past, we’ve taken trips to places like New Orleans, Mexico, Toronto, Toledo, Ohio and Denver, Colorado. We’ve also been a part of teams traveling to Guatemala and Haiti. Each trip is different and can involve various activities from construction work, Bible Clubs and street evangelism.
In the last few years we have participated in several events, including the SBC Crossover event and helped with a church plant in the St. Louis area, in Wentzville, MO. We’ve also traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska, University Church, with our former Youth Leader, Pastor Logan Merrick..
Last year we sent a team to Cuba, to work with friends of GV, and Pastor David was a guest speaker at a conference. And our youth have JUST returned from their mission trip to CUBA. They also spent a week serving in Bexley,Ohio during the Spring of 2019 If you’re interested in getting involved with our missions team, please contact the church office.
Our last mission trip to Cuba returned in July 2019. They helped with odd jobs at a local church in Quiebra Hacha, ministered via street ministry, and held VBS activities with the local youth.

HAVEN House & JUDA House
Community Missions provides safe, affordable and supportive services for low and moderate income men with disabilities who have been chronically homeless. To accomplish this, Community Missions owns and manages two apartment buildings –JUDA House and St. Joseph’s HAVEN House – providing housing to 34 men in 16 studio and 9 semi-private apartments. St. Joseph’s Haven also incorporates a “Safe Haven” component into it’s repertoire of services, providing shelter for up to 7 additional men during crisis situations.
Several of our GV Connection Classes prepare and serve a meal monthly, usually on the 4th Saturday, to the residents. During the winter, when the cold weather shelter is open, we may serve 50-60 homeless men. The rest of the year, it’s typically around 2-30. Our group chooses the menu, provides and cooks all the food and then serves it. The residents help with clean-up duties. We also have the opportunity to sit down and visit with them after everyone’s been fed. If you are interested in serving at the JUDA House or HAVEN House, please email office@gvchurch.com and we’ll connect you to the group.